Electronic Ordering of Controlled Substances - DEA CSOS Certificates

It seems that everything is moving to the Internet these days utilizing new technologies available to us all. This is especially true in the Pharmacy business, which has always been a healthcare frontrunner in regards to technology. One area that has been of concern to many of our pharmacy clients involves the growing utilization of electronic ordering of controlled substances. To participate a pharmacy must obtain a DEA CSOS certificate. The CSOS certificate establishes a digital pharmacy identity and becomes the online equivalent of the standard DEA Form-222 that we are all familiar with. This certification allows the pharmacy to order controlled substances (Schedules I through IV) electronically or online.The reasons for obtain such a certificate are numerous. Several include:

  • Reduction of ordering errors
  • Vastly reduced paperwork necessary in ordering of controlled substances
  • Faster transaction times
  • Lowered costs per transaction
  • Vast improvement regarding inventory control
  • Easier record keeping and documentation for audit purposes

But obtaining a DEA CSOS brings up many questions. A few that many ask include:

  • How do I get a CSOS certificate?
  • Are there fees involved in obtaining the certificate?
  • What are the differences in the types of the CSOS certificates?
  • What do the terms "CSOS Subscriber" and "CSOS Applicant” mean?
  • How do I apply for multiple certificates if I own several pharmacies?

These are just a few of the questions that clients ask. If you have such questions and would like to learn more regarding obtaining and properly using the electronic ordering of controlled substances for your business, call us today for a free consultation. Healthcare Consulting has been a full service Pharmacy staffing and consulting firm that has been in business since 1989. We have helped numerous pharmacies get answers.In addition, we can help you with the following services that we offer:

  • Consulting for both hospital and retail pharmacy technological advancements
  • Development of Policy & Procedures
  • Review of existing Policy & Procedures
  • Preparation for DEA audits (including mock audits)

If you are a pharmacy considering implementing the online ordering ordering of controlled substances by obtaining a CSOS certificate, contact us on line or call us today for a Free Consultation at 800-642-165 to discuss how we can help you.Bob Miller6/26/2014


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