Benefits For Pharmacists In Being An Independent Contractor

Many pharmacists have recently chosen to go work for a pharmacy staffing agency because of the various benefits and advantages that a pharmacist receives by being considered an independent contractor. Although each individual pharmacist chooses the value placed on a specific benefit as it relates to their own personal job satisfaction, all can agree that choosing to work for a staffing firm was a wise move. Not only does an agency offer both pharmacists and pharmacy technicians the opportunity to make extra money, but it also allows pharmacy personnel the chance to try out new and different types of pharmacy environments and specialties, plus in certain situations be able to learn new skill sets that can give them an advantage over other candidates in getting future work opportunities.

What Benefits Do Pharmacists Receive Working For a Staffing Agency?

There are really numerous and varied reasons that a pharmacist or tech may choose as an individual to work with a pharmacy staffing agency for future employment opportunities, yet every pharmacist working as an independent contractor can enjoy each and every benefit for themselves. Some of the most valued benefits to many include the following:

- A wide range of different job opportunities available!

Many individuals simply like the variety of different job settings that working for a staffing firm allows them to experience. For those pharmacists who enjoy constant change in their work environment, who get easily bored doing the same thing over and over again every day, and who are constantly searching out "their next employment challenge", an agency offers them the perfect solution. Whatever work setting that they may enjoy trying out, from retail to hospital and clinical positions, plus specialty pharmacies of every type including compounding, IV Infusion, and Home Healthcare pharmacies, agencies offer them the obvious solution. 

- Earn additional income!

Many pharmacists who work as temps or relief pharmacists earn a substantial amount of money for their efforts. They also enjoy the freedom that comes along with that - to simply work additional hours when earning some extra income becomes necessary. 

- Tremendous flexibility!

Another significant benefit one gets by working for a staffing agency is the tremendous flexibility that an agency can give a pharmacist in regards to their work schedules. Agency pharmacists are able to find employment opportunities that will allow them to live the lifestyle that they choose to live, plus help them to maintain a balance between their work and their personal lives. 

- The Work Comes To YOU!

When working with a staffing agency, many pharmacists find an additional (and perhaps unexpected) benefit. The work now comes and finds them, not vice versa as was the norm in the not-to-distant past. No more job hunting, interviewing, sending cover letters, then anxiously waiting to hear back from the potential employer. With the right staffing agency, pharmacists find that the opportunities that best align with their work preferences, skill sets, and goals simply come to them when needed.

- Tax benefits.

Working as an Independent contractor allows a pharmacist to be able to claim any work-related expenses incurred throughout the year on their personal annual tax returns. An individual should always first ask their accountant to make the most effective moves regarding the tax benefits your status as an independent contractor entitles you too. These may include work-related expenses such as your professional licenses and insurance, your lab coats and other work-related supplies, plus any mileage, hotel and food expenses incurred while travelling to and from the job. Any self-employment health insurance costs, plus a portion of your self-employment taxes may be allowed as deductions. Again, an individual should always first talk to their accountant in order to ensure making the most effective moves and decisions. 

Why Choose Healthcare Consultants Pharmacy Staffing To Be Your Pharmacy Staffing Partner? 

Healthcare Consultants Pharmacy Staffing has been the top choice for pharmacy talent in the nation since it was founded back in 1989. We attribute our more than three decades of success to always placing both our Clients and our Talent first, providing personalized support and services to everyone, and by consistently exceeding expectations.  

We take great pride in being the pharmacy staffing agency that a majority of pharmacists and techs across the US turn to when needing help finding the right job opportunities that meet their skill sets, geographical requirements, personal lifestyles, and professional growth goals. Whether you're a pharmacist looking for temporary employment opportunities for just a week, or for a month or longer, reach out to us today by calling (800) 642-1652, or by filling out our easy-to-use online application, and tell us a little about yourself to help us understand what you’re looking for and our experienced team will help you find the best possible matches that are available for you. Keep in mind that we currently have temporary staffing opportunities available in a wide variety of settings throughout the US. 


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