Part Time Pharmacist Jobs

Many pharmacists who want to generate some additional income work part time jobs and fill in at pharmacies across the nation in order to earn that extra money. Being in the pharmacy staffing industry for over 31+ years now, reviewing several of the most recent studies on pharmacists working second jobs reveals a lot of interesting numbers. Additionally, the numbers regarding pharmacists who only choose to work part time was extremely enlightening.Based on a survey released by the AACP (American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy) in 2014 called the National Pharmacist Workforce Study, trends appeared regarding pharmacists working secondary part time jobs for extra income that were totally unexpected to many researchers involved in the survey process. Surprisingly, only about 8% of all pharmacists nationally worked a second job. Back in the 1990's this number was estimated to be around 15%. Additionally, the average extra time worked by a pharmacist who had a second job was an estimated additional six hours weekly. This represents a significant decrease from the estimated 10 - 12 hours that pharmacists "moon-lighted" back in the 90's. The study noted that "a significant decrease regarding working part-time positions was seen every year since 2009" with women pharmacists showing the larger decrease:- Women decreased from around 30% down to 19% between 2009 - 2014 in regards to part time work.- Men decreased from around 18% down to 14% between 2009 - 2014 working part time.

Why the decrease in pharmacists working part-time jobs?

Is the reason for the significant decrease in pharmacists working second jobs and part-time jobs due to a decline in the number of part time jobs available, or simply that less and less pharmacists want to do it (or need to do it)? We may never know. Yet let's take a look at some contributing factors that we do know:1. It may be important to note here that the "gender gap" regarding pharmacists working part time jobs may be shrinking due to the fact that the number of female pharmacists has significantly increased over the past several decades. Women pharmacists now actually outnumber their male counterparts on a national level (comprising for over 57% of the pharmacy workforce in the US). According to US News female pharmacists average higher student-loan debts than men upon graduation ($43,258 for female pharmacists versus $31,553 for male pharmacists). So, although owing more than their male counterparts, female pharmacists are rapidly decreasing working second and part-time jobs. Which leads us to the increases in pharmacist salaries.2. In the 1990's the average salary for a pharmacist was about $50,000. Comparing that number to the average pharmacist's salary of between $112,000 - $119,000 in 2016 and one can easily draw the conclusion that perhaps the decrease seen regarding pharmacists working second jobs and part time extra jobs is due to the lack of a need for additional income. Even if we factor in the effects of inflation and the increased cost of living nationally, it is easy to see that the significant salary increases in pharmacy are a major contributor to less pharmacists working second jobs... or needing to!3. Even if there was no significant fluctuation in the number of second jobs and part time positions available for pharmacists to work, there are definitely more pharmacists than ever before to fill the positions. Just looking at the number of pharmacy graduates annually may solve the "mystery" in why fewer pharmacists are working extra jobs: 8,108 pharmacy graduates in 2004 and 13,838 in 2014. Also consider that many pharmacists who may have retired at the "traditional" ages of 60 - 65 now continue to work until well within their 70's.4. Lastly is the fact that most of the available secondary jobs and part-time positions are found in the retail pharmacy settings such as the big chain stores and supermarkets. As we have discussed in some previous pharmacy posts, the trend towards hospital pharmacy jobs and specialty settings may be making working in a retail position as a secondary job a less lucrative or less appealing scenario for many seeking extra income. The reverse can also be pointed out: perhaps most retail pharmacists currently lack the skill sets required to work a second job in a hospital or specialty pharmacy setting?

What to do if you want a second job to earn extra income

The solution for a pharmacist to increase his or her income is work part time! At HealthCare Consultants Pharmacy Staffing we have part time Pharmacy jobs available right now. HCC has been a national leader in regards to temporary pharmacist staffing and is known as a “full service” pharmacy staffing firm since 1989. With all the services that we provide to both pharmacies and pharmacists, it it sometimes easy to overlook the fact the we are one of the most successful and respected pharmacy staffing firms in the nation. Our pharmacy positions available cover all aspects of job types: retail, hospital, clinical and specialty pharmacies.If you are a pharmacist looking for part time opportunities to earn more cash, we urge you to talk with us. With positions immediately available, feel free to contact us here at HCC. Take a few minutes to introduce yourself and meet us. No matter the setting a pharmacist is looking to work in, HCC is nationally renowned for a history of matching the right pharmacist to the right employer and job in every type of situation. Owned and operated by pharmacists for over 31+ years now, HealthCare Consultants Pharmacy Staffing is recognized as one of the national leaders in the pharmacy staffing, recruiting and placement arenas. Call us today at 800.642.1652, or contact us now online to meet us and start a discussion regarding how we may be able to help you.


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