Pharmacy Technician Job Openings In The US Midwest States

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Various pharmacy technician jobs and positions in the US Midwestern states are currently available and the total number of open employment opportunities for pharmacy techs has been steadily on the rise so far in 2022. Sometimes referred to as The American Midwest, the twelve states that comprise the Midwest are all experiencing the same shortage of  pharmacy technicians that's being seen throughout the entire nation. The Midwestern States, including Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, South Dakota, and Wisconsin, have been some of the hardest hit regions of the country during the current pharmacy technician shortage.

Yet as necessary as pharmacy technicians are for the US Healthcare system to operate smoothly and efficiently, the National Community Pharmacists Association's (NCPA) 2021 economic health report revealed that a shocking eighty-eight percent (88%) of all retail pharmacies nationwide reported that pharmacy technicians are the most difficult pharmacy job position to currently fill. Many workforce experts agree that pharmacy technicians were perhaps among the jobs most affected by the COVID pandemic regarding the area of "employee burnout" and many simply left the workforce feeling underpaid, overworked and too stressed out to continue working in retail pharmacy settings.The news at the end of June from the chain store giant Walmart and Sam's Club just about sums up the situation regarding pharmacy technicians. Walmart has announced that they plan on hiring an estimated 5,000 new pharmacy technicians by the end of this year (2022). To do this, plus bolster and stabilize their current pharmacy tech retention rates, Walmart and Sam's Club are increasing the average hourly wages for their current 36,000 pharmacy technicians this week. This means that the existing technicians will be averaging over $20/hour, as it must be noted that this is the second time in less than a year that Walmart has given all of their techs a raise (the previous time was a raise in August of last year). In an attempt to attract new techs, a spokesman for the retailing giant stated that their starting pay for pharmacy techs will remain the same (ranging from $15 to $22.50/hour, with certified technicians starting at $16.50/hour and higher), but that the company is introducing a "progressive wage model" that will add up to $4 per hour to a pharmacy tech's starting base pay over four years. Under the plan, every new starting pharmacy technician will get a raise every six months for their first two years with Walmart.

What Comprises The US Midwestern States?

Commonly referred to as the Midwest or the American Midwest, the twelve states that comprise the US Midwestern States are:- Illinois- Indiana- Iowa- Kansas- Michigan- Minnesota- Missouri- Nebraska- North Dakota- Ohio- South Dakota- WisconsinFrom Motown Detroit to The Windy City of Chicago, an estimated 70 million (68,995,685) people reside in the US Midwest. With nearly 330 million residents living in the entire nation, that equates to roughly one-fifth or 21.2% living in the American Midwestern states.. This area includes not only Chicago (the 4th largest city in the US with almost 2.79 million people), but numerous other large cities and metropolitan areas that include (listed in order by population):- Columbus OH- Indianapolis IN- Detroit MI- Milwaukee WI- Kansas City KS- Omaha NE- Minneapolis MN- Wichita KS- Cleveland OH- St. Paul MN- St. Louis MO- Cincinnati OHThe Midwest region is balanced economically between heavy industry and agriculture, with large sections of this area making up the US Corn Belt. Recently finance and services such as medicine and education have become increasingly important to the area.

How Many Pharmacy Tech Jobs are there in US Midwest?

With the average state having 1,184 retail pharmacies, the twelve states comprising the US Midwest have more than 14,208 combined retail community drugstores and retail pharmacy chain stores. There's an estimated total of over 100,000 pharmacy technician jobs and positions when looking at the region as a whole.There are no "official and up-to-date" estimates that could be found for the total number of open positions available today for technicians in the Midwest. However, a search today on the website (considered to be the largest and most often used job listing website in the US) lists nearly eleven thousand (10,847) open job positions available when a search was performed for "Pharmacy Tech Jobs in Midwest"! These open pharmacy technician job positions are in all types of pharmacy settings, including retail community pharmacies, chain store and grocery pharmacies, as well as institutions, clinics, hospital pharmacies and specialty pharmacies (such as compounding pharmacies, IV infusion pharmacies and mail-order pharmacy operations).

Are You a Pharmacy Tech Looking for a Job in the Midwest?

Whether you're a Pharmacy technician currently living in the Midwest that's looking to change jobs, or a tech simply planning on moving to the American Midwest area in the near future and are currently in the "planning phase", we strongly urge you to contact us here at Healthcare Consultants Pharmacy Staffing (HCC) today.  HCC is a nationally renowned pharmacy staffing company that has been a leader in matching qualified pharmacy technician candidates to the right job and employer in all fifty states since 1989. Pharmacy staffing has been our primary business now for over three decades.Headquartered in Central Florida, HCC has an in-house team of trained consultants that can help assist registered pharmacists and pharmacy techs to find jobs that matches their skills and experience, plus fits their lifestyle and needs. Call us at (800) 642-1652 or click here now to let us know your availability and a pharmacy technician staffing expert will get right back to you to discuss which potential job opportunities best match your skills, needs, and lifestyle requirements. Rest assured that Healthcare Consultants Pharmacy Staffing is a part of your team, helping you find the RIGHT technician job in the American Midwest!


Pharmacy Specialization During Pharmacist Shortages in the US


Pharmacist Jobs Available In The US Midwestern States