PIC Or Pharmacist In Charge For All Fifty States In The US

If you are a pharmacy owner or manager currently looking for a PIC or Pharmacist in Charge, there’s sometimes a bit of confusion when discussing the role of a PIC and defining their responsibilities or job description. The issue arises because most people (including most pharmacists themselves) sometimes use all of the following terms interchangeably:

- Pharmacist in Charge (PIC)
- Prescription Department Manager (PDM)
- Pharmacy Manager
- Pharmacist Manager
The distinction sometimes can become even more unclear because each sate has their own laws and regulations, and the definition and wording can vary between them. The most important thing to keep in mind is that all fifty states require that the pharmacist who signs the application for the pharmacy's permit (and the renewal of the pharmacy's permit) shall be designated as the Pharmacist-in-Charge (PIC) for that facility. In all 50 states the pharmacy's license is issued in the name of the PIC and is not assignable or transferable. In other words, the "Pharmacist-in-Charge" equates to the person who, being licensed as a pharmacist in the state that the pharmacy operation is physically located in, signs the application for the pharmacy permit and to whom the permit is issued to and then tied to. This designated pharmacist then assumes full legal responsibility for the entire operation of the pharmacy in a manner that legally complies with all the applicable state and federal laws and regulations. Additionally, it is important to note that every state requires that the PIC be licensed to practice pharmacy in their state and that the pharmacist shall not be the PIC at more than one community pharmacy or institutional pharmacy in that state at the same time.

Pharmacist in Charge (PIC) versus Prescription Department Manager (PDM)

Most of the confusion arises when discussing retail pharmacy businesses. All states require that each retail community pharmacy also have a designated Prescription Department Manager (PDM). This is true for both single location independent retail community pharmacies, as well as larger multi-location operations. The PDM (also sometimes referred to as the Pharmacy Manager or Pharmacist Manager) in a retail setting is ultimately the one responsible for all of the personnel and their activities in the designated pharmacy area. What is important to consider in this discussion is that the Pharmacist In Charge (PIC) and the Prescription Department Manager (PDM) may actually be two different individuals. In many instances, however, the PDM and the PIC are the same pharmacist for the retail pharmacy. This is especially true for the smaller, single location independent retail pharmacy operations. Yet as they expand, each additional location needs a designated Pharmacist In Charge (PIC) to which each separate individual pharmacy's permit is attached to.

State Board Rules Regarding a PIC Change

Sometimes it’s necessary that a pharmacy change the pharmacist in charge. The current PIC leaves, is terminated or has a licensure issue can mean that the pharmacy owner must find a replacement. In such instances, it is important to know that almost every State Board of Pharmacy adheres to the following rules regarding a change in a pharmacy's PIC:
– If the PIC’s license becomes inactivated or is voided for any reason (inclusive of suspension, revocation, surrender or restrictions placed by the state on the designated PIC), then a brand new pharmacy permit is required and the application must be made by another pharmacist that is licensed to practice in that state within ten (10) days.
– If the PIC is fired (or decides they no longer want to be the PIC of the pharmacy operation), it’s required that they notify the State Board of Pharmacy in writing and return the pharmacy’s permit. The owner of the pharmacy then has ten (10) days to designate a new PIC at their place of business and must then submit a new application for obtaining a new permit.
–  A permit will not be issued or renewed unless the PIC is licensed in the state that the pharmacy is physically located in.- An inventory of all controlled substances at the pharmacy must be performed and submitted to the Board whenever there is a change. If the previous PIC did not perform the required controlled substance inventory, then it is the responsibility of the new PIC to perform one and submit it to the State Board of Pharmacy.

Getting You the Right Talent For Your PIC

Whether your are an existing pharmacy owner who needs to replace a PIC, or a brand new pharmacy startup in need of a Pharmacist in Charge in order to apply for a permit, HCC Pharmacy Staffing can help you. In business since 1989, HCC can find you the best qualified pharmacist to meet your needs in almost every situation. With over three decades of experience in pharmacy staffing, HCC is known nationally for being able to match the right candidate to the right job in all fifty states.

The best solution available to owners and managers of pharmacies nationally when it comes to attracting the right talent to meet their staffing needs is to ally with an experienced pharmacy staffing agency such as HCC. For well over three decades now, HCC has been providing temporary staffing for pharmacies in all 50 states, as well as providing relief pharmacy staffing during emergency situations. We work with owners and managers of every type and size of pharmacy business and operation, from the small independent retail community pharmacies to the large national pharmacy groups. We are therefore able to meet almost every individual pharmacy's specific needs when it comes to finding the right staffing talent, including specialty pharmacies.

If you're interested in finding out how HCC can help your pharmacy business meet your specific staffing needs, then call us today at (800) 642-1652, or simply fill out our easy-to-use online form now, and an experienced, in-house HCC staffing expert will get back to you as soon as possible.


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