Serving All 50 States
HCC serves all fifty states in regards to their pharmacy staffing needs. Contact us for qualified, vetted, and experienced pharmacists and techs that can help fill emergency, short-term, long-term, or specialized staffing needs to help you ensure continuity of pharmacy operations or enable growth.
Up to a 35% Decrease in Employment-Related Expenses
Hiring another pharmacist or tech on staff is a serious commitment that comes with a number of related expenses that can add up over time. By using a temp staffing service, we have found that pharmacies and pharmacy groups can reduce employment related costs by up to 35%.
Your choice for specialty staffing
For specialized staffing needs, HCC has pharmacists available with experience in all types of pharmacy fields, including specialty services such as home infusion, nuclear, oncology, compounding and consulting settings. If you are looking for a pharmacist in a specialty area, please complete the online form below, and an HCC staffing consultant will contact you shortly to discuss your needs. Some of the specialty areas that HCC services include the following:
Our pharmacists have extensive knowledge of drug use in hospitals, retail pharmacies, managed care organizations and nursing homes. Our staff of skilled pharmacists can assist in areas such as:
Drug information
Drug utilization and formulary support
Patient outcomes management and analysis
Management and technical consulting
Education and training
Medication error prevention
Our pharmacists are trained in the preparation of specialized prescription medications and formulations — from lozenges and ointments to respiratory medications, like albuterol in customized strengths to meet unique needs.
The evolution of Long-Term Care over the years has become a very specialized area of pharmacy. From the clinical knowledge of the consultant pharmacist, including the highly specialized knowledge of the disease and pharmacological processes of the elderly patient, to the advanced and diverse delivery systems used in Long-Term Care, this area of pharmacy requires very specific skills and experience. HCC Pharmacy Staffing has the experience and resources to assist you with these regulations, operations and strategies to improve your business outcomes in the Long-Term Care arena.
We provide comprehensive pharmaceutical care to both adult and pediatric cancer patients. These pharmacists have extensive on-site experience in antineoplastic drug compounding, as well as clinical experience in supportive care therapy and improved drug therapy for cancer patients.
HCC has well-trained home infusion pharmacists with expertise in such areas as home infusion medication compounding, Total Parenteral Nutrition, hydration/electrolyte therapy and IV/Epidural pain management.
These pharmacists hold a specialized radiopharmacist license in addition to their traditional license. They have also undergone specialized training in the areas of radiation physics, mathematics and instrumentation, and have studied radiopharmaceutical chemistry extensively.
Request Staff
If you are an existing client, please email or call 407-682-3211 with your coverage needs.