Pharmacy Start Up - Starting a Pharmacy

Pharmacy Start Up - Starting a Pharmacy:

Owning and opening a new pharmacy can be a great idea and a lucrative business venture in many areas. Studies show that after a period of reductions in privately held pharmacy operations across the nation, new pharmacies are on the rise. Several decades ago community and independent pharmacies that were privately owned were on the decline due to the proliferation of giant chain pharmacy operations moving into many smaller communities and locales. But today that has changed. Consumers in many areas are returning as loyal customers to the smaller independent local pharmacies for better individualized services and for the specialties that many of these privately owned pharmacies now offer.Starting a new pharmacy is a task that most people cannot or do not want to do on their own. There are many factors to consider in the planning, execution and long-term success of building, opening and maintaining a new pharmacy business. Planning and execution are keys to a smooth pharmacy operation being opened and becoming a successful business. Some of the considerations and tasks that Healthcare Consultants Pharmacy Staffing can provide include:- Creation and review of a business plan- Evaluation of proposed business location- Design recommendations- Obtaining financing- Assistance and guidance in the application process- Provide a Pharmacy Manger for both the application process and inspection- Provide a list of equipment and supplies (both for the Board of Pharmacy inspection and the actual pharmacy operations)- Make arrangements for the final inspection of the facility (including a mock-inspection)- Suggestions for vendors- Provide legal support- Provide staffingIf you are considering building, purchasing or expanding an existing pharmacy operation, we strongly urge you to get in touch with us today for a free consultation. We offer you the support of an experienced staff who have been through the process many times and know the business inside and out! Whether you are a seasoned business professional with experience opening new pharmacies or simply considering a pharmacy venture as a new experience as a business investment, HCC can help. With over 25 years experience, Healthcare Consultants Pharmacy Staffing can help you. We have helped hundreds of business owners (pharmacists and non-pharmacists) establish new pharmacy practices over the years. Contact us on line or call us today for a Free Consultation at 800-642-1652 to discuss how we can help you.Bob Miller7/10/2014


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